Actually, scratch that. Shitcase Cinema is now officially back after mere seconds. Oh, and for the record I haven't become super rich nor am I famous. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Shitcase Cinema becomes an established name and people will be having Shitcase Cinema themed parties dressing up as Johnny Shitcase or Professor Bruce (make sure you start eating all the pies early for an authentic look!). Funnily enough I mentioned in the review for My Bloody Valentine last week that people should make Professor Bruce masks for Halloween. Go on, do it, I'm sure one person out there will try it. Actually, this gives me an idea for a future video.
Going back to the Shitcast videos briefly, these appear only on the Facebook group as an exclusive (unless some clever fan somehow rips it and puts it on Youtube or whatever). They're fun to make as we simply sit, drink booze and be ourselves chatting about new movies coming out. We've made two so far and the aim is to make one a month, just as something a bit different for fans to watch if they care to.
Who liked the review for Nightmare On Elm Street 2? I got a few fans to send in clips for that video which is always fun to do. Man, reviewing that film was hard work even though there's so much to take the piss out of. I enjoyed the little skit which involved us running like Freddy. If you look at the clock on the wall you'll see how late it was when we filmed that. I have some footage of outtakes and bloopers from filming that skit as we'd been drinking all night and I was slurring my words. Still, it's all part of being a supreme ninja.
Robocop 3 is the latest review as I type this, which I uploaded yesterday. I'm not kidding, I had so much trouble putting that video together. Ripping the DVD and changing file formats took hours and hours. The real bitch was getting my camcorder footage onto the laptop. It just wouldn't acknowledge the connection. I tried and tried and tried, getting more pissed off as time went on. Finally sometime Friday evening it decided to work, so all Friday night and some of Saturday evening was spent editing the entire video. I felt like taking another month break!
So thanks for reading, you instantly become a supreme Zardoz follower with ultimate ninja powers. If you pass by the new forum or the Facebook group leave Prof Bruce messages poking fun at him about his McDonald's. Maybe I should make up t-shirts poking fun at him and sell them on the Shitcase online store, it'd be a Christmas best seller! Spread the Shitcase word people and I'll buy you all a drink one day!
John 4th November 2012